Some people believe that auto insurance is just a commodity – it isn’t.
All too often, drivers do not discover the importance of having adequate limits in place until after they have an accident. We are all concerned about saving money where we can, but trying to cut corners on your insurance coverage may cost you much more in the long run if you have an accident and do not have the protection you need.
Thankfully, there are still some good ways to keep costs down; many factors such as your driving record, type of vehicle and vehicle use may provide discounts. As your broker, we will seek out these discounts because it is our job to make sure you have the best possible protection at the lowest premium available.
The many factors that can affect your auto insurance premium include:
- Where you live – whether you live in Winnipeg or rural Manitoba.
- Vehicle use – if it is used for ‘All Purpose’ or ‘Pleasure’
- Your vehicle’s claim risk – how it protects passengers, resists theft and withstands collisions
- Your driving record – the best way to save is to have no at-fault accidents or traffic convictions
- Your choice of deductible – the higher the deductible the lower the premium
- Keep only coverage you need – switch to lay-up if you are not driving the car for longer periods.
You can also save at least $40 per year if you install an approved electronic immobilizer.
As your broker, we will check to ensure you have the best possible protection with all the discounts you are entitled too. As well, we will check the protection options on your policy such as:
- Third Party Liability – In Manitoba this covers property damage, for any damage your vehicle causes to another person’s property. For Manitobans travelling outside the province it covers the cost of lawsuits for bodily injury as well as property damage. This includes not only damage to another vehicle or property involved in an accident, but also buildings and other property. Basic Auto coverage provides $200,000 liability coverage so it is highly recommended that you increase coverage to $1, $2 or $5 million, especially if you are travelling outside Manitoba.
- All Perils – this is made up of both collision and comprehensive coverage to give you the complete protection you need. As its name suggests, ‘collision’ covers damage to your vehicle if you collide with another vehicle or object. It also includes upset or roll-overs. Comprehensive provides coverage for non-collision damage such as fire, explosion, vandalism, theft, flood and hail.
- Personal Injury Protection Plan (PIPP) – compensates Manitobans for specific costs they have from injury or death caused by an auto accident – no matter who is at fault and whether the accident occurs in Canada or the U.S. Many coverages are included such as payments for certain medical costs, death benefits and important coverages needed when you are hurt and cannot work.
- Loss of Use – an option which covers the cost of replacement transportation if your vehicle is in an accident or if it is stolen.
- Maximum Insured Value – if your vehicle is worth more than $50,000, excess value insurance can be purchased
- Lay-up Coverage – also known storage insurance; your policy can be changed when the car is not being driven and collision is not needed (as an example- if the car is off the road over the winter or if you are on holidays). You still maintain you comprehensive coverage.
As independent insurance brokers, we at Pembina Insurance Services can help you answer the questions about your auto insurance. Call us today for your quote by e-mail or calling 204-452-4913!